Five Fun Customer Perks to Set You Apart in the Marketplace

Five Fun Customer Perks to Set You Apart in the MarketplaceIt’s always fun to surprise and delight your customers with customer perks. This puts a smile on your client’s faces. It also boosts loyalty, and is fun for your employees too. Here are five fun customer perks to set you apart in the marketplace

  1. Handwritten thank you note.

Email and social media have all but killed the handwritten thank you note. When you send yours to your top customers, it will really stand out.

  1. Promotional items.      

Customer perks can be promotional items that are frequently handed out at trade shows. However, they can be used in other settings too. These are items where your logo is typically imprinted and you purchase them in quantity. Items that are useful and popular include coffee mugs, t-shirts, fidget spinners, screen cleaners, webcam covers, key chains, note pads, calendars, and more.

Choose an item that is similar to or a reminder of your business or product. An IT consultant might choose a screen cleaner, while an accountant might choose a piggy bank.

  1. Coupon bag.

If your business is located in a strip center, shopping mall, or office building with other businesses around. Go door to door and ask for coupons that you can put in a coupon bag to give to clients as a customer perk. Clients will be delighted to get a coupon for the dry cleaners, florist, and hair salon in your center no matter what type of business you’re in.

  1. Random prize.

A random prize is great if you have a stream of clients coming in a physical store or a virtual one. If customers are grouped together in a classroom or lecture hall, you can hold a drawing for a prize. Or you can select a random number and the customer assigned that number wins a prize.

Choose a prize from one of your services or products, or give something away that’s“hot,” like an Amazon Dot.

  1. Free samples.

The cosmetics industry has been giving away free samples and gifts with certain purchases for decades. Grocery stores often have free samples of food at a little booth staffed by a host at the end of an aisle. You might be able to apply this idea to your business as a customer perk with a little bit of creativity.

Think of how you can “sample” your service or product and package it up in a free gift or sample. If you offer a service, you may have to get extra creative. A consultant can offer a book that’s related to the service offered. A spa can have healthy treats while clients wait. A divorce attorney can offer stress balls or fidget spinners in the waiting area.

With customer service declining in many businesses, try these five customer perks to wow your customers and set your business apart.


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